Handling of Members' Information 会員情報の取扱い
- We shall never disclose members' information to a third party without a member's consent as a rule. However, we shall be able to disclose members' information and other customers' information without members' consent in the following cases where:
当社は、原則として会員情報を会員の事前の同意なく第三者に対して開示することはありません。ただし、次の各号の場合には、会員の事前の同意なく、当社は会員情報その他のお客様情報を開示できるものとします。- We are required to disclose in accordance with certain laws and regulations;
法令に基づき開示を求められた場合 - We judge such disclosure as necessary to protect our rights, profits and honors etc.
- We are required to disclose in accordance with certain laws and regulations;
- We manage members' information based on our "Engagement to Protect Personal Information". We shall use members' information in order to provide services to members, enhance quality of services, promote the use of our services and make sure to conduct healthy and smooth management of our services.
会員情報につきましては、当社の「個人情報保護への取組み」に従い、当社が管理します。当社は、会員情報を、会員へのサービス提供、サービス内容の向上、サービスの利用促進、およびサービスの健全かつ円滑な運営の確保を図る目的のために、当社おいて利用することができるものとします。 - We shall provide information through mail magazines and other ways (including advertisement) to the members. When members don't wish provision of such information, they shall tell us about it so that we can stop providing such information. However, we cannot stop providing information necessary to operate the service even if a member wishes so.
Members 会員
- "Members" are individuals who apply for our membership following the agreement that we've specified upon consent.
「会員」とは、当社が定める手続に従い本規約に同意の上、入会の申し込みを行う個人をいいます。 - "Members' information refers to personal information that members disclose to us and members' past trading records.
「会員情報」とは、会員が当社に開示した会員の属性に関する情報および会員の取引に関する履歴等の情報をいいます。 - The agreement shall be the one that is applied to every member and is followed at the time of and after registration.
Registration 登録
- Qualification for Members 会員資格
A person who has applied for our membership upon consent to this agreement shall be entitled to be our member after completion of a given registration procedure. A person who becomes our member shall take a procedure for the member. A registration by a representative cannot be accepted for any reason. We may refuse an application for membership from a person who was once disqualified or that we judge as inappropriate.
本規約に同意の上、所定の入会申込みをされたお客様は、所定の登録手続完了後に会員としての資格を有します。会員登録手続は、会員となるご本人が行ってください。代理による登録は一切認められません。なお、過去に会員資格が取り消された方やその他当社が相応しくないと判断した方からの会員申込はお断りする場合があります。 - Input of Members' Information 会員情報の入力
Please read precautions for input carefully and input what is necessary in the specified input form when you take a procedure for membership.
会員登録手続の際には、入力上の注意をよく読み、所定の入力フォームに必要事項を正確に入力してください。 - Password Managementパスワードの管理
- Passwords shall be able to be used by a member only and shall not be able to be transferred or lent to a third party.
パスワードは、会員本人のみが利用できるものとし、第三者に譲渡・貸与できないものとします。 - Members shall manage a password on their own risks by regularly changing it to keep it a secret from others.
パスワードは、他人に知られることがないよう定期的に変更する等、会員本人が責任をもって管理してください。 - The manifestation of intention made by using a password shall be regarded as the one made by the members themselves and payment incurred by it shall be borne all by the members.
- Passwords shall be able to be used by a member only and shall not be able to be transferred or lent to a third party.