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Private Policy

enacted 制定日
revised 改訂日
Company Name 会社名

Introduction はじめに

EN Food Service Co.LTD (hereinafter referred to as "We") shall regard protection of personal information as our social responsibility and established "the Handling of Personal Information on the Websites" shown below based on "The Privacy Policy of EN Food Service Corp." in order to manage and control our websites so that customers can feel secured to use them .

株式会社エン・フードサービス(以下「当社」といいます。)は、個人情報の保護を社会的責務であると考え、お客様に安心してご利用いただけるウェブサイトの管理・運営を行うため、「株式会社エン・フードサービス 個人情報保護方針」に基づき、以下のとおり「ウェブサイトにおける個人情報の取扱いについて」を定めました。

The Scope of the Handling of Personal Information 個人情報の取扱いの適用範囲

The Handling of Personal Information is applied when a customer purchases our product, contacts us and subscribes our e-mail magazine through our website. Personal information collected when a customer uses our website is managed following the concept of "The Handling of Personal Information".


Purposes of Use of Personal Information 個人情報の利用目的

We may use personal information and order information collected from customers (including a customer's information of past orders) for the purposes of providing this service and also the purposes that are specified in the following.We shall never use customers' personal information for the purposes other than providing this service and the ones specified in the following, where:


  1. We introduce our products and services to the customers;
  2. We take ordering procedure, confirm an order or go through the changing procedure on behalf of a customer;
  3. We reply to an inquiry from a customer;
  4. We ask customers to submit an opinion and feedback toward our services;
  5. We use such information for a certain purpose after contacting and getting a consent from a customer separately;
  6. We prepare statistical documents classified according to a customer's information (age, address etc.);
  7. We send information and provide and display services suited for a customer.
  8. お客様に対して、当社の商品やサービスをご紹介する場合
  9. 当社において、お客様に代行してご注文手続き、ご注文内容の確認、変更手続きを行う場合
  10. お客様からのお問い合わせに対して回答を行う場合
  11. お客様に対して、当社のサービスに対するご意見やご感想のご提供をお願いするため
  12. 当社がお客様に別途連絡の上、個別にご了解をいただいた目的に利用するため
  13. お客様の属性(年齢、住所など)ごとに分類された統計的資料を作成するため
  14. お客様それぞれの嗜好に適合した情報発信やサービスを提供、表示するため

Safety Management of Personal Information 個人情報の安全管理について

We shall take reasonable safety measures against access management of personal information, limitation of the way of information transfer, illegal access, leakage, loss, breakage and alteration, and if an accident relating to personal information such as leakage happens, we will take an appropriate measure including ones to prevent recurrence swiftly in order to secure accuracy and safety of personal information.


Deposit of Personal Information 個人情報の預託について

We may deposit the business to the scope necessary to attain the purpose of use that is clearly expressed . In such a case, we shall appropriately manage and supervise outsourcing contractors (which refer to a shipping company, a print company to send direct mails and a collection company to collect unpaid debts etc.)


Disclosure of Personal Information to a Third Party 個人情報の第三者への開示

We shall not provide and/or disclose personal information to a third party without a customer's consent, except the cases below where:


  1. customers themselves have already consented to providing information;
  2. we are required to disclose such information from public institutions such as a government office based on laws and regulations;
  3. We disclose personal information to a business partner related to the operation of the websites (however, disclosure of information, in this case, is limited to the extent necessary for the purpose and we shall require the disclosure destination to manage personal information by making a contract and others.)
  4. 情報提供について本人の同意がある場合
  5. 官公庁等の公的機関から法令に基づき開示を求められた場合
  6. 本サイトの運営に関する業務提携先に対して個人情報を開示する場合。ただし、この場合に開示する情報は必要な範囲のみに限定し、開示先に対して契約等により個人情報の管理を義務付けます。

Cookie クッキーに関して

Cookie is one of the data that is stored in a customer's hard drive including their information. The use of Cookie does not lead to linking with personal identifying information on our website. Customers are able to use our website even if they refuse to use Cookie.

We use Cookie at pages for detailed products and the shopping cart. If customers refuse to use Cookie, the shopping cart doesn't work. We will never use Cookie for the purpose of unnecessary information collection. We recommend that you should set Cookie in your browser valid when you purchase in the form of a shopping cart (at other shops as well).
Please set cookie in your browser valid when you purchase in the form of a shopping cart as we will not use cookie for the purpose other than displaying a shopping cart and a customer's part purchases.

We have some pages in our website which use Cookie in order to collect access logs for the purpose of using it to enhance usability on the website and to make less effort for customers to input personal information when they visit the website again, which makes the use of the website more convenient for customers.


当サイトは、商品詳細ページ、ショッピングカートでクッキーを使用しています。クッキーを拒否した場合はショッピングカートが作動しません。当店は不要な情報収集目的でクッキーを利用することはありません。 (当店に限らず)カート形式でお求めになる場合は、ブラウザのクッキー設定を有効にされておかれることをお薦めします。


Other Confirmations & Understanding on Privacy Policy on the Internet その他インターネット上のプライバシーに関する確認事項

  1. Please pay attention that your information is possibly collected and used by others when you disclose your personal information on your own on the Internet which anyone can access such as on an Internet bulletin board. If you disclose your e-mail address, you may receive an unwanted massage based on the information which is posted there. You need to recognize that you transmit information at your own risk.
  2. A third party's website or services accessible through our websites and/or companies that collect personal information through prizes and sales promotions have bylaws on privacy and agreements on collecting data individually. We shall never take any obligations and responsibilities for the bylaws and activities of such independent third parties.
  3. 掲示板など、誰もがアクセスできるインターネット上で自発的に個人情報を開示した場合、その情報は他の利用者によって収集され使用される可能性があることに留意してください。メールアドレスを公開すれば、そこに掲示された情報をもとに、望ましくないメッセージを受け取ることがあります。お客様には自己の責任において情報を発信することを認識していただく必要があります。
  4. 当ウェブサイトを通じてアクセスできる第三者のサイト及びサービス、又は懸賞や販売促進活動などを通して個人情報を収集している企業等は、当社とは独立した個々のプライバシーに関しての規約やデータの収集規約を定めています。当社は、これらの独立した第三者の規約や活動に対していかなる義務や責任も負いません。

Change and Notice of the Handling of Personal Information 個人情報の取扱いの変更及び通知

We may change the Handling of Personal Information without prior notice due to our operational necessity, enactment of a new regulation, revision of the existing regulation and other reasons.We will notify you of such changes on our website.Please confirm the latest information on our website when using.

Please contact us as for requests and questions on the Handling of Personal Information and personal data we have to the following address:

当社は、本個人情報の取扱いについての内容を、当社の営業上の必要性、新法令の施行、既存法令の改正その他の事情により、 事前の予告なく変更することがあります。変更した場合は、本ウェブサイトに掲示し、お知らせします。 ご利用の際には本ページの最新の内容をご確認ください。


EN Food Service Co.LTD Shinichi Yamaguchi. Chief Administrator on Personal Information 8-5-6 Ojima Kyouwa building 2F Ojima Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 136-0072 株式会社エン・フードサービス 個人情報管理責任者 山口 伸一 136-0072 東京都江東区大島8-5-6大島キョーワビル2階

An Administrator, Disclosure, Revision and Omission of Personal Information 個人情報の管理者及び開示・訂正・削除

Please contact the following address when you want to inquire about where an administrator of customers' personal information belongs and its contact and also disclose, revise and omit customers' own personal information.
When you make a request of "disclosing, revising and omitting personal information", please contract us through a telephone and e-mail address. We ask your prior understanding that we confirm your identity then.


EN Food Service Co.LTD Shinichi Yamaguchi. Chief Administrator on Personal Information 8-5-6 Ojima Kyouwa building 2F Ojima Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 136-0072 株式会社エン・フードサービス 個人情報管理責任者 山口 伸一 136-0072 東京都江東区大島8-5-6大島キョーワビル2階

Contact on our Privacy Policy

EN Food Service Co.LTD Shinichi Yamaguchi. Chief Administrator on Personal Information 8-5-6 Ojima Kyouwa building 2F Ojima Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 136-0072 株式会社エン・フードサービス 個人情報管理責任者 山口 伸一 136-0072 東京都江東区大島8-5-6大島キョーワビル2階